International solidarity is needed ! (на англ.яз. (просьба помочь распространить)


21-04-2009 19:21:37

Просьба ко всем, кому не безразлична судьба А. Олесинова , помогите распространить информацию по зарубежным ресурсам .


Moscow anti-fascist is on trial for his anti-fascist believes!
International solidarity is needed!

Next Monday, the 20th of April 2009, a verdict will be announced in
the case of Moscow anti-fascist Alexei Olesinov.

He has already been in pretrial incarceration for more than 5 months
(since 6 of November 2008). The prosecutor demands 5 years of prison for him. The anti-fascist is accused of "hooliganism in a group" (article 213,
part 2 Criminal code of Russian Federation).

Specifically, he is accused of a fight with the guards of night club
"Cult," which allegedly took place on the 30th of August 2008. He was arrested two months after the event took place, and a criminal case was only started then. It has been falling apart from the very beginning: for instance, there is no "injured party" (guards claim that neither moral nor physical harm was caused). All the evidence and statements prove that
the case is completely fabricated. The investigation agencies also claim in their investigation file that Olesinov is a leader of an "informal movement
- antifa," as if it is an extra crime so it is explicitly political persecution case.

Alexei Olesinov could, quite likely, receive a long prison term. Besides the fact that our comrade will be deprived of freedom that can be also a really
dangerous precedent for the Russian anti-fascist and other movements when the person active in these movements can be sent to prison on absolutely arbitrary grounds.

While some time is still left, we can try to influence the decision
currently being made at a very high level by putting international pressure on the authorities. An anti-fascist should not be convicted, especially not on Hitler's birthday.

We need your help and solidarity! What can you do? Organize actions at Russian embassies demanding immediate freedom to Alexei Olesinov.

You can phone, send a fax or a telegram to the court where the case of
Olesinov is being tried and demand to stop the criminal prosecution of Alexei Olesinov and his immediate freedom!

Fax/phone number: +7 (495) 911-03-85 with note "Konovalova N.V."
The address is following: 109147, Russia, Moscow, Marksistskij per., 1/32
I.o. predsedatelya Taganskogo rajonnogo suda Konovalovoj N.V.

In Russian: 109147, Россия, Москва, Марксистский пер., 1/32
Исполняющей обязанности председателя Таганского районного суда
Коноваловой Наталье Владимировне


21-04-2009 19:28:40